You might think I’m all about staying busy—organizing bug-out bags, laminating lists, teaching Ian why duct tape fixes everything. But let me tell you, even the best-prepared prepper needs a recharge.
If you’re running on fumes, you’re no good in an emergency. Or worse—you’ll forget where you stashed the chocolate, which, in my opinion, is a disaster all on its own. Relaxation is the prepper’s secret weapon. Think of it as sharpening your favorite survival knife… if you neglect it, you’ll end up dull and ineffective.
The Signs You Need to Chill
My to-do lists start multiplying like rabbits. Why do I suddenly need a list to organize the other lists? I find myself prepping for unlikely scenarios, like an alien invasion where only canned pineapple will save us. If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time to put down the clipboard and step away from the shelves.
How Does Pepper Relax?
Glad you asked! My relaxation arsenal is as meticulously curated as my first-aid kit. Here are my go-tos. Tea and a good book. Nothing says “calm” like sipping chamomile while reading a good or classic mystery. Snacks! Not the freeze-dried kind—actual snacks. Cheese, crackers, and wine. You can’t forget the wine. A “nap” that turns into a three-hour snooze. Look, sometimes your body decides for you. And my personal favorite — lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling, and wondering why I thought alphabetizing my pantry by expiration date was a good idea (It is!).
Relaxing Is Just Another Kind of Prepping
Here’s the kicker — relaxation isn’t lazy. It’s prep work for your brain. When the power goes out, you don’t want to be the person who panics because they never took a moment to reset. Relaxing is your mental bug-out bag. Fill it up with calm vibes, so when chaos comes knocking, you can answer with a serene, “I’ve got this.”
Final Thoughts from the Couch
So, fellow preppers (and non-preppers), don’t neglect this vital skill. The world may throw curveballs, but you’ll catch them better if you’ve taken time to breathe, snack, and maybe even nap.
Remember, surviving is important, but living—now that’s the real goal. And living means taking the time to sit back, relax, and occasionally laugh at yourself. Or, in Ian’s case, which I wholeheartedly share, watching a good mystery or thriller movie while snuggling on the couch.
Take care out there—and don’t forget to stock up on rest. It’s the ultimate prepper hack.
Until next time stay prepped & prepared.
Coming soon… book three, Pepper, the Biker & the Vanishing Body!